Ready, set, launch!


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The launch of my beautiful new shiny website coincides almost a year to the day that I decided what I really wanted to do.

Before that, I’d been blessed with a successful legal business that had exceeded all my expectations, but I was working long hours and hardly ever seeing the children. That wasn’t why I’d left “normal practice” and become self-employed.  I couldn’t bear to hear my phone tone anymore. It was time to have a serious re-think about the sort of life and career I wanted.   Something fulfilling and ideally successful, but not so busy that I didn’t see my family or be constantly glued to a phone or computer.

I thought long and hard about what I didn’t want, but had no idea what else I could do.  I’d dabbled with a children’s online organic clothes business after my first maternity leave, but it had never really got off the ground and I couldn’t see how I was ever going to make a profit.  The law called again and offered a more “profitable return”! But at least I’d started to look and was beginning to see outside the box.

On 20 April at 8:30am I sat in a seminar room surrounded by lawyers and bankers in the centre of Manchester. We were listening to a corporate manager turned coach, and although I’m not sure I can remember what he was saying, I suddenly knew what I was going to do.  I was going to merge the corporate side of my life I’d spent so many years in, with the personal development side I’d come to love because it had changed my life beyond all recognition.  As I ran to the front at the end of the seminar to thank him for showing me what I was going to do with my life, I’m sure he thought I was crazy!  We did stay in touch for a while afterwards as I entered the coaching world.

I’d discovered who I was, at least for now, we’re always changing otherwise life would be boring. My identity didn’t just revolve around me being a lawyer anymore.

A year on I’ve given presentations, run workshops, founded my coaching business and spoken to lawyers, law firms, and other professionals about bringing the emotions of stress and happiness to the table, and dealing with them head on.  I’ve been blown away by the reception my idea has received and how many offers of help I’ve had not to mention some very interesting coffees and lunches with supporters and potential JV partners. There is a movement towards a happier life and more “balance” between career and family, and I’m excited to be part of that.

My new website is the start of taking this further, and making a real difference.  It’s going to be quite a ride! Please leave a comment below and let me know what you think. 

Hannah x

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